1.Delicious Way

作曲:Aika Ohno

波がおしよせて 光に搖れる午後
嫌な事は 砂の中にうめて
傷ついたまま 夢見ることなく
大人になるのはつらい 素足でかけてく 今

Oh Delicious Way
夏の風を感じて もう一度
Oh Delicious Way
ここから始めよう ためらわず
Into the sweet sky

きっと追いつくよ まだ間に合うね
だから しっかりと足跡殘して
いつもの樣に 自分らしく 微笑めばいい
力強く 引いては返す波が

Oh Delicious Way
連れてくよ 明日に向かえる
Oh Delicious Way
勇氣を受け止めて ためらわず
Into the sweet sky

手を伸ばせばすぐ 振り向いてくれるから
いつだって 笑顏でいたいんだ
陽に燒けた肌 潮の香りすくいあげて
心も全部 潤して滿たしてよ

Oh Delicious Way
Oh Delicious Way
夏の風を感じて もう一度

Into the sweet sky...

na mi ga o shi yo se te hi ka ri ni yu re ru go go
ki ra na ko to wa su na no na ka ni u me te
ki tsu i ta ma ma yu me mi ru ko to na ku
o to na ni na ru no wa tsu ra i shi ro a shi de ka ke te ku i ma
Oh Delicious Way
na tsu no ka ze o kan ji te mo u i chi do
Oh Delicious Way
ko ko ka ra ha ji me yo u ta me ra wa zu
Into the sweet sky
ki-to o i tsu ku yo ma da ma ni a u yo
da ka ra shi-ka ri to a shi a to no ko shi te
i tsu mo no yo u ni ji bun ra shi ku ho ho e me ba i i
chi ka ra tsu yo ku hi i te wa ka e su na mi ga
Oh Delicious Way
tsu re te ku yo a shi ta ni mu ka e ru
Oh Delicious Way
yu u ki o tsu ke to me te ta me ra wa zu
Into the sweet sky
te o no ba se ba su gu hu ri mu i te ku re ru ka ra
i tsu da-te e ga o de i ta i n da
hi ni ya ke ta na da shi o no ka o ri su ku i a ge te
ko ko ro mo zen bu u ru o shi te mi ta shi te yo
Oh Delicious Way
su i e i sen no a o no mu ko u so ba
Oh Delicious Way
na tsu no ka ze o kan ji te mo u i chi do
Into the sweet sky...

蜂擁而來的海嘯 在下午晃動的光線
討厭的事 全被埋入砂堆
傷心的時候 不一樣的夢
要成為大人是艱辛的 現在光腳奔馳吧

Oh Delicious Way
Oh Delicious Way
就此開始 有一點猶豫
Into the sweet sky

一定要追到 還來得及吧

Oh Delicious Way
Oh Delicious Way
停止勇氣 有一點猶豫
Into the sweet sky

把手舉起 朝著我揮動
陽光照著肌膚 海水氣味升起

Oh Delicious Way
Oh Delicious Way

Into the sweet sky

2.Love Day After Tomorrow

作曲:Aika Ohno

いつかは 夢がかなう
What are you hoping for
淚も強がりも 投げ捨てることができるよね

吹き扳ける風の 強さに 心が搖れ
切ない想いと 今 戰ってる
Don't ask me why どうしようもなく
You are the first thing on my mind

Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you know
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back

You never looked at me this way
瞳の奧にある 真劍な愛とアドバイス

(ゴメンネ) の一言
淚があふれてく Don't ask me why どうしようもなく
I can't see the world , walking through

Love, day after tomorrow ...... I wish you know
迷わずに進みたい どんな暗闇も
Love, day after tomorrow ...... I need you back
今 君と同じ光を目指しているから...

降りだした雨 やさしくさせるよ
もっと君に近づき そして 迷わずに
言える Oh~ Stay with me

Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you know
I'm still in Love, But you're gone , And now my heart is
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back
My heart is waiting for your love , L. O. V. E. one more day...

i tsu ka wa yu me ga ka na u
What are you hoping for
na mi da mo tsu yo ga ri mo
na ge su te ru ko to ga de ki ru yo ne
hu ki to ke ru ka ze no tsu yo sa ni ko ko ro ga yu re
se tsu na i o mo i to i ma ta ta ka-te ru
Don't ask me why do u shi yo u mo na ku
You are the first thing on my mind
Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you know
a i ma i ni ka za-ta ko to ba wa i ra na i
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back
ta da ki mi to o na ji na ya sa de a ru ki ta i ka ra...
a n na ni o ko-ta ka o wa
You never looked at me this way
hi to mi no o ku ni a ru shin ken na a i to a do ba i zu
(go men ne) no i gon
me-ru de o ku-ta mo ji ja (en ji wa ko na i ne)
na mi da ga a hu re te ku Don't ask me why
do u shi yo u mo na ku
I can't see the world , walking through
Love, day after tomorrow ...... I wish you know
ma yo wa zu ni su su mi ta i don na ku ra ya mi mo
Love, day after tomorrow ...... I need you back
i ma ki mi to o na ji hi ka ri o me yu bi shi te i ru ka ra...
o ri da shi ta a me ya sa shi ku sa se ru yo
ki-to ya ku so ku shi ta hi ni wa
mo-to ki mi ni chi ka zu ki so shi te ma yo wa zu ni
i e ru Oh~ Stay with me
Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you know
I'm still in Love, But you're gone , And now my heart is
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back
My heart is waiting for your love , L. O. V. E. one more day...

What are you hoping for
不論眼淚或堅強 都是可以捨棄的

吹起了一陣強風 讓心動搖
Don't ask me why 如何才能結束
You are the first thing on my mind

Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you knew
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back

You never looked at me this way

信上的文字 「無法答應」
滿眶的淚水 Don't ask me why 如何才能結束
I can't see the world, walking through
Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you knew
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back

降下的雨 感覺好溫暖
更靠近了你 所以就更迷惘了
說吧 Oh~ Stay with me

Love, day after tomorrow...... I wish you knew
I'm still in love, But you're gone, And now my heart is breaking
Love, day after tomorrow...... I need you back
My heart is waiting for your love, L.O.V.E one more day

3.Secret Of My Heart


どんな 言(こと)葉(ば)に変(か)えて
君(きみ)に 伝(つた)えられるだろう
あれから いくつもの季(き)節(せつ)が
いつも 傍(そば)で笑(わら)ってる
私(わたし)にも言(い)えないことが まだ

Secret of my heart 疑(うたが)ってもないね
真(しん)実(じつ)は 手(て)に入(い)れられるはず
I can't say もう少(すこ)しだけ
I'm waiting for a chance

こんな 穏(おだ)やかな時(と)間(き)
もっと 繋(つな)がっていたい
全(すべ)てを見(み)せるのが 怖(こわ)くて
壊(こわ)れそうで 守(まも)りたい

Secret of my heart

誰(だれ)だって 逃(に)げたい時(とき)もあるけど
それだけじゃ 何(なに)も始(はじ)まらない
I can't say きっと必(かなら)ず
I'm waiting for a chance

Can I tell the truth? その言(こと)葉(ば)言(い)えず
Feeling in my heart 隠(かく)せない
これ以(い)上(じょう) 'Cause I love you
I will be with you Wherever you are
Can you feel my heart?

Can't you see, you're my dream
大(たい)切(せつ)な 君(きみ)と過(す)ごすこの時(じ)間(かん)
あきらめる位(くらい)なら 信(しん)じて
I just wanna say もう迷(まよ)わない

Can't you see, you're my heart
簡(かん)単(たん)に壊(こわ)れてしまう 日(ひ)が来(く)る
だけどまだ いつまでも
Secret of my heart Out future is forever

secret of my heart


Secret of my heart 毫無疑問地
I can't say 只要再一些 I'm waiting for a chance

破壞它 保護它 更加靠近它

Secret of my heart 我已經了解
I can't stay 絕對的 I'm calling for a chance

Can I tell the truth? 那句話所說的 感到空轉的唇
Feeling in my heart 無法隱藏 這就是全部 'Cause I love you
I will be with you Whenever you are Can you feel my heart

Can't you see, you're my dream 什麼也不會失去
I just wanna say 再也不迷惑

Can't you see, you're my heart 做怎樣的東西
輕易就壞了 當那天來到
雖然還沒到 無論何時都不會改變
Secret of my heart Our future is forever

4.Stepping ∞ out

Stepping 無限大Out

作曲:Yoko B.Stone

woo... 何信じて 何を感じて
孤獨な世界 メロディーが耳に流れてるよ
woo... 泣き疲れて リズムだけが

黃昏の街 言葉さえもきりだせないままに

全部 光に變えて
明日 目覺めて どこに流れる?

I want to 自分に 魔法かければ
I'd like to もう一度 うたえるのなら
Stepping out to the new sound and the world

woo... 遙か遠く 見えるオアシス

ガラスの世界 メロディーが虛しく響くよ

woo... 淚枯れて リズムだけが

人ごみの中 自分さえも見失いそうになる

全部 光に變えて
明日 目覺めて 追いかけたいよ

I want to 自分に 魔法かければ
I'd like to もう一度 うたえるのなら
Stepping out to the new sound and the world

woo... nan shin ji te na ni o kan ji te
mi tsu me re ba i i no?
ko do ku na se ka i me ro di-ga mi mi ni na ga re te ru yo
woo... na ki tsu ka re te ri zu mu da ke ga
ko ko ro u go ka shi te ku
ko u kon no ma chi ko to ba sa e mo ki ri da se na i ma ma ni
se tsu na sa mo
ya sa shi sa mo
sa bi shi sa mo
zen bu hi ka ri ni ka e te
a shi ta me sa me te do ko ni na ga re te?
I want to ji bun ni ma ho u ka ke re ba
mu gen da i no tsu yo sa ni na ru
I'd like to mo u i chi do u ta e ru no na ra
Stepping out to the new sound and the world
woo... ha ru ka to o ku mi e ru o a shi zu
i tsu ta do ri ki ku no?
ga ra zu no se ka i me ro di ga mu na shi ku hi bi ku yo
woo... na mi da ka re te ri zu mu da ke ga
ko ko ro sa ma yo-te ru
hi to go mi no na ka ji bun sa e mo mi u shi na i so u ni na ru
se tsu na sa mo
ya sa shi sa mo
sa bi shi sa mo
zen bu hi ka ri ka e te
a shi ta me sa me te o i ka ke ta i yo
I want to ji bun ni ma ho u ka ke re ba
mu gen da i no tsu yo sa ni na ru
I'd like to mo u i chi do u ta e ru no na ra
Stepping out to the new sound and the world

woo... 相信什麼 感覺什麼
孤獨的世界 旋律在耳邊迴盪

woo... 哭累了 只有節奏
黃昏的街道 是無法用言語表達的

隔天的早晨 流向何處了?

I want to 自己的魔法
I'd like to 再一次的歌唱
Stepping out to the new sound and the world

woo... 在遙遠之處看到了綠洲
玻璃的世界 想起空虛的旋律
woo... 淚乾枯了 只有節奏
在人群之中 連自己都看不見了

隔天的早晨 去追尋吧

I want to 自己的魔法
I'd like to 再一次的歌唱
Stepping out to the new sound and the world

5.Baby Tonight~You & Me~

作詞:Mai Kuraki・M.Africk
作曲:YOKO B. Stone・Tomoo

Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
暖かく包む Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life

You, You hold on to me through this life
Tell me 恋におちた
全て chance and 後は right
Tell me now 君の想い

Give it to me 優しい
Tell me again 言葉を
Give me a time
Show me the way
Just あなただけ

※Baby tonight
I'll be the one here in your arms
So close your eyes and hold me tight
そして I wish we could just stay forever this way
You & Me

Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
想い続けてる Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life

You, You hold on to me through this life
Tell me 目覚めさせた
いつも chance and きっと right
Tell me now 全てはキミ

Give it to me いつかは
Tell me again 待ってる
Give me a time
Show me the way
Just この気持ち


Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
a ta ta ga ku tsu zu mu Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life
You, You hold on to me through this life
Tell me ko i ni o chi ta
su ba te chance and a to wa right
Tell me now ki mi no o mo i
Give it to me ya sa shi i
Tell me again ko to ba o
Give me a time Show me the way
Just a na ta da ke
*Baby tonight
I'll be the one here in your arms
So close your eyes and hold me tight
so shi te I wish we could just stay forever this way
You & Me
Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
o mo i tsu zu ke te ru Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life
You, You hold on me through this life
Tell me me sa me sa se te
i tsu mo chance and ki-to right
Tell me now su be te wa ki mi
Give it to me i tsu ka wa
Tell me again ma-te ru
Give me a time Show me the way
Just ko no ki mo chi

Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
被溫暖包住 Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life

You, You hold on to me through this life
Tell me 墬入情網
全部的 chance and 之後的 right
Tell me now 你的想法

Give it to me 好溫暖
Tell me again 那句話
Give me a time
Show me the way
Just 只有你

Baby tonight
I'll be the one here in your arms
So close your eyes and hold me tight
然後 I wish we could just stay forever this way
You & Me

Baby tonight I'll be the one here in your arms
持續的回想 Yes, I'll give you my life
I would do anything You're in my life

You, You hold on to me through this life
Tell me 何時覺醒
平時的 chance and 永遠的 right
Tell me now 全都是你

Give it to me 總有一天
Tell me again 等著吧
Give me a time
Show me the way
Just 那種心情



Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down

Can you氣づいてる
こんなにもCrazy over you
君にめぐり逢った その瞬間から
Together we share this love so strong

Whenever you touch my body
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
I can feel your touch inside

*There is nothing I won't do
In this life I will wait for you Yeah
You know There is nothing I won't do
In this life I will wait for you Yeah

溢れてく So much more
I dream of you every night

Whenever you touch my body
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
I can feel your touch inside



I can see it in your eyes what you're sayin
Believe in me, girl you know I ain't playin
In love with you from the very start
beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break your heart
You freak me out when we're hangin at night
And you whisper the words 'Baby I Like'
There's one thing in life I can guarantee
from Mike A. to Mai K forever will be

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Can you ki zu i te ru
kon na ni mo Crazy over you
ki mi ni me gu ri a-ta so no shun kan ka ra
Together we share this love so strong
Whenever you touch my body
ko to ba ni na ra na i
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
ko ko ro de kan ji ta i
I can feel your touch inside
*There is nothing I won't do
In this life I will wait for you Yeah
You know There is nothing I won't do
In this life I will wait for you Yeah
me sa me ta ko ko ro ga
a hu re te ku So much more
I dream of you every night
ki tsu tsu i te mo i i
o na ji yu me o mi ta i ka ra
Whenever you touch my body
shin ji te i ta i yo
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
ki mi no ko e da ke wa
I can feel your touch inside
I can see it in your eyes what you're sayin
Believe in me, girl you know I ain't playin
In love with you from the very start
beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break your heart
You freak me out when we're hangin at night
And you whisper the words 'Baby I Like'
There's one thing in life I can guarantee
from Mike A. to Mai K forever will be

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down

Can you 意識到嗎?
如此的 Crazy over you
Together we share this love so strong

Whenever you touch my body
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
I can feel you touch inside

There is nothing I won't do
In this life I'll wait for you Yeah
You know There is nothing I won't do
In this life I'll wait for you Yeah

充滿著 So much more
I dream of you every night

Whenever you touch my body
Cause the love you give's so good
Whispers that you love me
I can feel touch inside

I can see it in you eyes what you sayin
Believe in me, girl you know I ain't playin
In love with you from the very start
beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break you heart

You freak me out when we're hangin at night
And you whisper the words 'baby I Like'
There's one thing in life I can guarantee
from Mike A. to Mai K. forever will be

7.Can't get enough~gimme your love~

作詞:Mai Kuraki・YOKO B. Stone
作曲:YOKO B. Stone

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
I'll tell you what I want
'Cuz I've wondering

そう Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
今しかない 今だから
I'll tell you how I fell tonight

Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
今しかない 今だから
My love will take you higher

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
Will you tell me what you want
'Cuz I've wondering

そう Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
今しかない 今だから
I'll tell you how I fell tonight
Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
今しかない 今だから
My love will take you higher
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough
se tsu na i mu ne no o ku
ki mi e no o mo i e ga ku
ya sa shi i ki mi no ko e
But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
shi kan ba ka ri su gi sa-te i ku yo
I'll tell you what I want
'Cuz I've wondering
so ba ni i ta i yo
so u Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
i ma shi ka na i i ma da ka ra
I'll tell you how I feel tonight
Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
i ma shi ka na i i ma da ka ra
My love will take you higher
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough
ko no ki mo chi yu zu re na i
ko u ka i shi ta ku na i
ki mi o go ka i shi so u
But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
ki mi no ha-to kan ji te i ta i yo
Will you tell me what you want
'Cuz I've wondering
so ba ni i ta i yo
so u Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
i ma shi ka na i i ma da ka ra
I'll tell you how I feel tonight
Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
i ma shi ka na i i ma da ka ra
My love will take you higher
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
I'll tell you what I want
'Cuz I've wondering

那麼 Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
不是在現在 因此立刻地
I'll tell you how I feel tonight

Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
不是在現在 因此立刻地
My love will take you higher

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
Will you tell me what you want
'Cuz I've wondering

那麼 Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
不是在現在 因此立刻地
I'll tell you how I feel tonight

Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
不是在現在 因此立刻地
My love will take you higher

Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough

8.Stay by my side

作曲:Aika Ohno

I want to know いつから
それは偶然 あなたと出逢った時

新しい世界が迴り出し 生まれ變わる
吹きあれる波に のみこまれない樣に

Dream (On) Sky (High) 季節を夢みて

*stay by my side

今 始まる この想い
抱きしめながら 步いてく
Stay by my side I can



あなたのために Take me to your dream

I will walk with you

Can you stay このまま


キラメク瞳が映しだす あなたと私
過ぎゆく時間に ただ流されない樣に

Dream (On) Sky (High) 想いを適えて

Stay by my side

今 あなたにどう寫る
Stay by my side You can



あなたのために Take me to your dream



Stay by my side

Stay by my side


Stay by my side...

I want to know i tsu ka ra
ko ko ro i ki zu i te i ru no?
so re wa do ku zen a na ta to de a-ta to ki
a ta ra shi i se ka i ga ma wa ri de shi u ma re ka wa ru
ko no mu ne no ta ka na ri ga ki e na i yo u ni
hu ki a re ru na mi ni no mi ko ma re na i yo u ni
Dream (On) Sky (High) ki se tsu o yu me mi te
*stay by my side
i ma ha ji ma ru ko no o mo i
da ki shi me na ka ra a ru i te ku
Stay by my side I can
mi tsu me te ku re ru ka ra
mo u hi to ri ja na i
a na ta no ta me ni Take me to your dream
I will walk with you
Can you stay ko no ma ma
ki mo chi tsu ra nu i te i ku no
su ko shi to ma do u ha ya i su bi-do ni ma ke zu
ku ra me ku hi to mi ga u tsu shi da su a na ta to wa ta shi
ko no ryo te no me ku mo ri ki e na i yo u ni
su gi yu ku shi kan ni ta da na ga sa re na i yo u ni
Dream (On) Sky (High) o mo i o te ki e te
Stay by my side
i ma a na ta ni do u tsu ru
na ki mu shi da-ta ko ro no wa ta shi
Stay by my side You can
ma mo-te ku re ru ka ra
mo u na ka na i yo
a na ta no ta me ni Take me to your dream
gan ba-te mi ru ka ra
Stay by my side
i tsu ka zu-to so ba ni i ra re ru hi ma de
su te na i ka gi ri yu me wa ni ge te i ka na i
Stay by my side
jo ne tsu no ko to shi no a o i na tsu wa
i sho ni ka ra da o ko ga shi ta i
Stay by my side...

i want to know何時開始

新的世界開始旋轉 彷彿重新換了一個
Dream(on) sky(high) 幻想著四季

Stay by my side
Stay by my side i can

為了你 take me to your dream
i'll walk with you

Can you stay這樣的心情

過去的時光 像是不會流逝似的
Dream(on) sky(high) 能夠達成心願

Stay by my side
Stay by my side you can

為了你 take me to your dream

Stay by my side
懷抱著剛剛出現的心願 往前走去
Stay by my side i can
(Stay Stay) Stay by my side
Stay by my side
Stay by my side

9.Everything's All Right

作曲:Masataka Kitara

Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you

夕暮れにただひとり あなたの聲が 聞きたくて
もっとそばに いてほしくて この氣持ち氣付いてほしい

Always go ahead And give me a chance
何度も受話器 にぎりしめた
この瞬間伝えたい いつもの私じゃないから

*Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you

いつもと違う朝が きっと待っていてくれるはずさ
好きになって傷ついても いつかは 笑い合えるよね

Always go ahead And give me a chance
さりげない優しさで いつかは受け止められるよ


No matter what you say No matter what you do
Things are always gonna be the same

I need you here By my side
Without you In my life I just cry

Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
yu u bo re ni ta da hi to ri a na ta no ko e ga ki ki ta ku te
mo-to so ba ni i te ho shi ku te ko no ki mo chi ki tsu i te ho
shi i
Always go ahead And give me a chance
nan do mo ju wa ki ni gi ri shi me ta
ko no shun kan tsu ta e ta i i tsu mo no wa ta shi ja na i ka ra
*Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
i tsu mo to chi ga u a sa ga ki-to ma-te i te ku re ru ha zu sa
su ki ni na-te ki tsu tsu i te mo i tsu ka wa wa ra i a e ru yo
Always go ahead And give me a chance
to ki ga mi ka ta shi te ku re ru yo
sa ri ge na i ya sa shi sa de i tsu ka wa tsu ke to me ra re ru
No matter what you say No matter what you do
Things are always gonna be the same

I need you here By my side
Without you In my life I just cry

Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you

想要再靠近一點 想要感覺這種心情

Always go ahead And give me a chance

Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you

漸漸地喜歡傷痛 總是會被嘲笑

Always go ahead And give me a chance
毫不在意的溫暖 總是會被迫停止的

Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you
Everything's gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonight
I could change the world that move the mountain for you

No matter what you say No matter what you do
Things are always gonna be the same I need you here By my side
Without you In my life I just cry


作詞:Mai Kuraki



I want to feel your heart
I'm here for you when you call me

君との時間 追いかけてく So far away

I won't forget our laugh
I wish you… Just the way you are

風に乗り そしてあの頃の君にもう一度
I want to hear you voice
See your smile made me feel sweet times

na ga re ru ku mo no a i ta ka ra no
hi ka ri da ki shi me te ru to
to o ku hi to mi no o ku ni wa
na ze ka ki mi ga i ru
hu ta ri de a ru i ta ma chi ka do mo
i ma wa ta da sa bi shi i yo
kon na ki mo chi ni na ru nan te
do u ka shi te ru ne
sa i shu no me ro di o u ta i de su ta bi ni
a no to ki to o na ji te no nu ku mo ri sa e kan ji te
I want to feel your heart
I'm here for you when you call me
yu me no yo u ni to o ri su gi ta
ki mi to no shi kan o i ka ke te ku So far away
a no to ki to o na ji te no nu ku mo ri sa e kan ji te
I won't forget our laugh
I wish you... Just the way you are
ka zen ni no ri so shi te a no ko ro no ki mi ni mo u i chi do
I want to hear your voice
See your smile made me feel sweet times




I want to feel your heart
I'm here for you when you call me

與你的時光 去追尋吧 So far away

I won't forget our laugh
I wish you... Just the way you are

乘著風 然後再一次與你的時候
I want to hear your voice
See your smile made me feel sweet times

11.Happy Days

作曲:Aika Ohno

一人強がってみたり 平氣な顏してたけれど
ただ 今までは近すぎて わからなかっただけで
離れてみて初めて 大切な人だって
本當は心の中じゃ君のことが 溢れていたよ

右手に君の手を 左に見えない明日を
握りしめ 今 飛び立つけど突然に
ときには 振りむいてもいいの?
I won't forget our memories

We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I'm talking about
So Let's sing our song

We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I'm talking about
'Cause you're my best friend

喧嘩もよくしてたよね 君がいつも折れてくれた
また いつか何も言わずに わかり合えていた頃の
二人に戾れるよね ときが引き離しても
想い出すたび君に 出逢えたコトは誇りに想う

私が泣く前に 君が泣いてくれたよね
I won't forget our memories

hi to ri tsu yo ga-te mi ta ri e i ki na ka o shi te ta ke re do
ta da i ma ma de wa chi ka su gi te wa ka ra na ka-ta da ke de
ha na re te me te ha ji me te ta i se tsu na hi to da-te
hon to wa ko ko ro no na ka ja ki mi no ko to ga
a hu re te i ta yo
mi gi te ni ki mi no te o hi da ri ni mi e na i a shi ta o
ni gi ri shi me i ma to bi ta tsu ke do do tsu zen ni
do u shi yo u mo na i ji bun ni de a-ta ra
to ki ni wa hu ri mu i te mo i i no?
I won't forget our memories
We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I'm talking about
So Let's sing our song
We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I'm talking about
'Cause you're my best friend
sen wa mo yo ku shi te ta yo ne
ki mi ga i tsu mo o re te ku re ta
ma ta i tsu ka na ni mo i wa zu ni
wa ka ri a e te i ta ko ro no
hu ta ri ni mo do re ru yo ne
to ki ga hi ki ha na shi te mo
o mo i de su ta bi ki mi ni
de a e ta ko to wa ho ko ri ni o mo u
wa ta shi ga na ku ma e ni
ki mi ga na i te ku re ta yo ne
ka na shi mi o su ko shi ni shi te ku re ta bun
o na ji mi chi o a ru i te a no ko ro o
wa su re na i su go shi ta hi hi
I won't forget our memories


右手是你的手 左手是不可預知的明天
緊緊握住 現在突然要出發了
I won't forget our memories

We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I talking about
So Let's sing our song

We share our happy days
We laugh and cry a lot
You know what I talking about
'Cause you're my best friend

還有 不管說什麼你都能夠了解
在分別的時候 回到當時

在我哭之前 你就已經落淚了
I won't forget our memories